Hello Again WeCare Member,
This month we would like to talk to you about your pharmacy data. Why does WeCare offer data & reporting for your business?Data doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult to read, this is useful information to support your decision making in your pharmacy when it comes to planning and building a strategy. The information available on your Rhains Report & WeCare APP, helps you make informed decisions in your business. It allows you to measure your progress, or gauge what your realistic goals should be monthly or annually.

Use the available data to see how many times a month you order certain items or products. This way you can cut down on your deliveries, instead of paying for 15 deliveries a month, pay for 4 – because your data has showed you the buying and selling patterns. Another way to save, is to see what dead or slow moving stock is sitting on your shelves, what do you need to get rid of, and avoid over stocking on these products in the future. Try get rid of this stock before it expires, and this way you have the extra cash flow to stock up on your fast moving items.

For more information, call us: 087 802 2621
📣 Email: contactus@we-care.co.za
🌏 Website: we-care.co.za