WeCare benefits at full blast -November 2021
Hello Member,
WeCare and ComputAssist have been closely associated with the pharmacy industry for many years and we have prided ourselves in the quality of the products we supply. However, no matter how good the product is it’s not worth much if there is no back up service in the event of a crisis or any other incident that may occur once the product has been acquired.
The recent spate of unrest that flared up in some parts of the country caught most if not all businesses by surprise. The damage and the associated costs of those dark days are still being assessed. But South Africans in general are a tough breed and given even just half a chance will pick themselves up, regroup and rebuild.
Many pharmacies were unfortunate to be caught up in the spate of wanton looting that took place. Some have recovered and are back in business once more. One of those is Westham Pharmacy. WeCare spoke to them about their recovery and what follows is the gist of that conversation.

When and how exactly did you get the notification that your store was being looted?

It was on Sunday night the 11th of July. The grocery store in our complex was attacked and the security company alerted us via the Whatsapp group that we business owners belong to. The various business owners and members of the local community got together to see if they could save any of the other shops between the 11th July, and early hours of Monday the 12th July, but there were simply too many people.

How soon were you able to get to your store to assess the damage?

Due to the continuing unrest and the fact that the authorities had declared the area to be high risk it was only about ten days after the attack. Areas were not safe, and access to Phoenix was restricted.

Apart from the physical loss, the emotional impact must have been devastating.

Once the initial shock had worn off a bit there were obviously a number of calls that you needed to make – insurance brokers and so on. Who all did you call?

There has been slow but steady daily increment of growth. Each day we have communicated via SMS messages, Face Book posts, new signage showing where the new premises are and a branded delivery vehicle… These have all helped to drive the return of the business. It’s been slow but it has been steady, we are as I mentioned earlier a community service based pharmacy. And it was shown that when the community stands together in this country amazing things happen.
Thank you to the WeCare & ComputAssist Team for helping us get to the position we are in. There was no delay, it was like a SWAT team came in and got things done.

For more information, call us: 0878022621
📣 Email:contactus@we-care.co.za