How is meningitis treated?

Your treatment is determined by the cause of your meningitis.

Bacterial meningitis requires immediate hospitalization. Early diagnosis and treatment will prevent brain damage and death. Bacterial meningitis is treated with intravenous antibiotics. There’s no specific antibiotic for bacterial meningitis. It depends on the bacteria involved.

Fungal meningitis is treated with antifungal agents.

Parasitic meningitis may either involve treating just the symptoms or attempting to treat the infection directly. Depending on the cause, this type may get better without antibiotic treatment. If it worsens, however, your doctor may try to treat the infection itself.

Viral meningitis may resolve on its own, but some causes of viral meningitis will be treated with intravenous antiviral medications.

How contagious is meningitis?

Several types of meningitis are not contagious. Fungal, parasitic and non-infectious meningitis is not contagious.

Viral meningitis is contagious. It’s spread through direct contact with body fluids, including mucus, feces, and saliva. Droplets of infected fluid can be spread and shared with sneezing and coughing. You do not have to come into direct contact with an infected person to pick up this infection.

Bacterial meningitis, the most serious form of meningitis, can also be contagious, especially if it’s meningococcal meningitis. It’s spread through extended contact with an infected person. Schools, daycare centers, military barracks, hospitals, and college dormitories are prime locations for sharing this infection. Some types of meningitis are spread through person-to-person contact but not all. Learn more about the types that are contagious and how you can avoid them.

Meningitis in infant

Babies who develop meningitis may show different signs and symptoms of an infection than adults. These symptoms can include:

  • fever
  • jaundice
  • body or neck stiffness
  • high-pitched crying
  • inconsolable behaviors
  • sleepy and difficulty waking
  • irritable and grumpy
  • doesn’t feel well and has a weak suck during breastfeeding

Viral meningitis is common in infants. It develops as a result of colds, cold sores, flu, and diarrhea. The viruses that cause these common conditions also cause viral meningitis.

Bacterial meningitis, which is common but life-threatening, most likely spreads from a serious infection in a nearby area of the body. For example, the bacteria from a severe ear infection or sinus infection can enter the bloodstream and find their way to the brain or spinal cord and cause a bigger infection.

Meningitis in children

Meningitis becomes more common in children as they grow older and reach high school and college ages. Symptoms of viral and bacterial meningitis in children are very similar to symptoms in adults. These include:

  • sudden fever
  • body and neck aches
  • confusion or disorientation
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • tiredness or fatigue

You may be curious if your child is at risk for developing this condition. Read more about the risk factors of meningitis.

Meningitis in adults

The risk for several forms of meningitis decreases after young adulthood. That’s in large part due to changing circumstances. Schools and college dormitories are common sites where some forms of meningitis can be easily shared. Once a young adult ages out of these settings, the likelihood of an infection begins to fall.

However, after age 60, the risk starts to rise again. That’s because of underlying diseases or health conditions that weaken the immune systems in older individuals.

Adults with a compromised immune system are at a greater risk for developing meningitis. Likewise, adults in environments where individuals are in close contact with one another may be at greater risk for an infection. This includes teachers, healthcare providers, daycare staffers.

How is meningitis diagnosed?

Diagnosing meningitis starts with a health history and physical exam. Age, dorm residence, and day care center attendance can be important clues. During the physical exam, your doctor will look for:

Your doctor will also order a lumbar puncture. This test is also called a spinal tap. It allows your doctor to look for increased pressure in the central nervous system. It can also find inflammation or bacteria in the spinal fluid. This test can also determine the best antibiotic for treatment.

Other tests may also be ordered to diagnose meningitis. Common tests include the following:

  • Blood cultures identify bacteria in the blood. Bacteria can travel from the blood to the brain. N. meningitidis and S. pneumonia, among others, can cause both sepsis and meningitis.
  • complete blood count with differential is a general index of health. It checks the number of red and white blood cells in your blood. White blood cells fight infection. The count is usually elevated in meningitis.
  • Chest X-rays can reveal the presence of pneumoniatuberculosis, or fungal infections. Meningitis can occur after pneumonia.
  • CT scan of the head may show problems like a brain abscess or sinusitis. Bacteria can spread from the sinuses to the meninges.

Your doctor may also conduct a glass test. For this test, your doctor will roll a glass over the meningitis rash. If the rash doesn’t fade under the pressure, it’s likely meningitis rash. If it does fade, the unusual spots on the skin may be the result of another condition.

How is meningitis prevented?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially if you’re at increased risk, is important. This includes:

  • getting adequate amounts of rest
  • not smoking
  • avoiding contact with sick people

If you’ve been in close contact with one or more people who have a bacterial meningococcal infection, your doctor can give you preventive antibiotics. This will decrease your chances of developing the disease.

Vaccinations can also protect against certain types of meningitis. Vaccines that can prevent meningitis include the following:

Practicing good personal hygiene may also help you prevent meningitis. Some types of meningitis are spread through close contact with an infected person’s body fluid, such as saliva and nasal secretions. Avoid sharing drinks, utensils, and personal items that may carry saliva or other fluids. Take these steps to prevent getting meningitis.

What are the complications of meningitis?

These complications are typically associated with meningitis:

  • seizures
  • hearing loss
  • vision loss
  • memory problems
  • arthritis
  • migraine headaches
  • brain damage
  • hydrocephalus
  • a subdural empyema, or a buildup of fluid between the brain and the skull

A meningitis infection may produce bacteria in the bloodstream. These bacteria multiply and some release toxins. That can cause blood vessel damage and leaking of blood into the skin and organs.

A serious form of this blood infection can be life-threatening. Gangrene may damage skin and tissue. In rare cases, amputation may be necessary. Several other serious complications may occur in people with meningitis. Read more about them and the long-term effects of an infection.

Meningitis and pneumonia

Pneumococcal meningitis is a rare but serious and life-threatening form of bacterial meningitis. Even with treatment, 20 percent of people with this type of infection die.

About 40 percent of people carry bacteria called Streptococcus pneumoniae in their throat and the back of the nose. These bacteria are responsible for common illnesses like pneumonia, sinus infections, and ear infections.

From time to time, however, those bacteria manage to cross the blood-brain barrier and cause inflammation and infection in the brain, spinal cord, or fluids immediately surrounding them.

Symptoms of this serious form of meningitis include:

  • chills
  • high fever
  • vomiting
  • chest pain
  • a headache
  • a cough
  • confusion
  • weakness
  • disorientation

Fortunately, two vaccines are available to prevent pneumococcal meningitis. Learn more about them and other ways to prevent this deadly form of infection.

What are the risk factors for meningitis?

The following are some of the risk factors for meningitis:

Compromised immunity

People with an immune deficiency are more vulnerable to infections. This includes the infections that cause meningitis. Certain disorders and treatments can weaken your immune system. These include:

Cryptococcal meningitis, which is caused by a fungus, is the most common form of meningitis in people with HIV.

Community living

Meningitis is easily spread when people live in close quarters. Being in small spaces increase the chance of exposure. Examples of these locations include:

  • college dormitories
  • barracks
  • boarding schools
  • daycare centers


Pregnant women have an increased risk of listeriosis, which is an infection caused by the Listeria bacteria. Infection can spread to the unborn child.


All ages are at risk for meningitis. However, certain age groups have a higher risk. Children under the age of 5 are at increased risk of viral meningitis. Infants are at higher risk of bacterial meningitis.

Working with animals

Farmworkers and others who work with animals have an increased risk of infection with Listeria.